-- SUMMARY -- Simple module that provides a block with the latest updates from Facebook for the provided account. It is based on the Page Plugin: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/page-plugin. The widget settings are configurable directly in the block and they are available for users with 'administer blocks' permission. -- FROM FACEBOOK LIKEBOX TO PAGE PLUGIN -- Facebook announced the old Facebook Likebox social plugin will be deprecated after the 23th of June 2015. New branches were developed for this new plugin: 7.x-2x and 6.x-2.x respectively. The naming of the module "fb_likebox" in the code will remain since this is the name of the project at Drupal.org itself. -- REQUIREMENTS -- * None. -- INSTALLATION -- * Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information. -- CONFIGURATION -- * Go to Site > List > 'Theme' in D6 or Structure > Blocks > 'Theme' in D7 * The block will be called "'Your site name' on Facebook" * Click on 'configure': * Add the Facebook Page (i.e.: http://www.facebook.com/wikisaber.es) and configure the display and appearance settings. -- CONTACT -- David Rozas: david.rozas@gmail.com Edward Baekelandt: edward_baekelandt@hotmail.com